Texas Women and Girls in STEM Summit
Concurrent Sessions #2
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

Hosted in Zoom, Teams, or Google Meet

Empowering Girls and Women in STEM by Fostering a Growth Mindset
What is stopping you? The stories we tell ourselves determine what we can accomplish. Are we feeding the imposter syndrome and the fixed mindset or do we push ourselves to grow and learn? Using Dr. Carol Dweck’s research, this workshop will explore paradigm creation, fixed vs. growth mindset, and how your mindset can unlock the tools you need to be your best self both professionally and personally. In fact, when girls and women believe they can develop the skills they need to be successful in STEM fields, rather than believing they have a fixed set of skills, the more likely they are to pursue experiences and careers in STEM. Workshop participants will experience an interactive discussion full of real-life stories and meaningful research.
Presented by
Chloé LaPorte, Senior Program Director, Girls Empowerment Network
Brittany Yelverton, Director of Community Engagement, Girls Empowerment Network

Take 10: Ten, 10-min Activities for Cultivating Creativity
Creativity is a skill you can practice and improve in a wide variety of ways. Everyone is creative, and although most equate creativity with artistic talent, it’s a process, not a single light bulb moment. The essential first step of creativity is believing you’re creative. That might take practice! That’s why we’ve gathered these 10 great creativity resources for youth and adults.
Presented by Itzel Gutierrez, Program Manager, VentureLab

Supporting Girls in Learning Java with CSAwesome
This hands-on workshop will introduce attendees to the free CSAwesome AP CSA Java curriculum on the Runestone Academy platform (csawesome.org). CSAwesome is a College Board-endorsed curriculum and PD provider for AP CSA. The CSAwesome interactive e-book includes embedded Java examples and problems with code visualization, mixed-up code (Parsons problems), multiple-choice problems, coding challenges, and practice with AP Free Response Questions. CSAwesome can be used for AP or non-AP Java courses. We will also discuss teaching and engagement strategies. Lesson plans and resources are also freely available. This workshop will give attendees a chance to learn about the curriculum and the use of inclusive pedagogy to support female students.
Presented by
Pauline Lake, Curriculum and PD Coordinator, National Center for Computer Science Education
Beryl Hoffman, Elms College

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